There's a Humpback Whale Under My Kayak!
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Have you ever seen a humpback whale up close? This scenario could easily happen to you in Hawaii. I filmed this of the California Coast a few years ago and wanted to share it with you!
Suzy and I were browsing Trip Advisor this morning and ran across The Top 16 places in the US to watch Whales. Maui is #2 and we share the Maui Channel with the Big Island! We are the best kept secrete in Hawaii with no crowds. Having an interaction with whale is of cosmic proportions. I’ve heard them sing many times and its like the tinkling of bells and you really, really know that they have a complex language.
Seeing this whale made me use the OMG phrase. I did edit my OMG out because it may be a bit much for some audiences. None the less it was how I felt deeply!
Do you have a personal whale experience you like to share? Leave us a comment and let us know?
E como mai,
Erich and Suzy
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