Massive Banyon Tree Partially Collapses on Hilo Town's Banyon Drive
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Do you want to know what is one of Hilo’s greatest treasures? You might wonder if it is spectacular rainbow falls, or the massive white snow capped peak of Mauna Kea or Carlsmith Beach… ?
We love both of these and also love Banyon Drive. Banyon Tree Drive is a winding road along Hilo’s gorgeous waterfront. It’s like.a tunnel because of the collective Banyon tree canopy with the root systems hanging down over the road. You wind past large hotels, a city golf course, Japanese gardens, and all the time you are shaded by these trees.
Suzy and I often drive Banyon Drive just to experience it even if it is out or our way to Hilo Town.
So what is the history?

Mostly Banyon Drive was planted in the 1930 and 1950 by famous people. Franklin Rosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Louis Armstrong, Babe Ruth, Richard Nixon, King George V, Queen Elizabeth and volcanologist Dr. Thomas Jagger and many others. In all about 50 trees.
We really don’t know quite why this tree just started to implode inwards? Some think it could be just too much weight. There is a rumor that city employees trimmed it badly?
Hilo Town is looking at having an arborist prune the tree.
No matter what, Banyon Drive is stunning!
NOUN: banyan tree, an Indian fig tree whose branches produce aerial roots that later become accessory trunks. A mature tree may cover several acres in this manner.
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E como mai,
Erich and Suzy
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